City of London Green City Briefings – Green Roofs and Walls Webinar

June 15th 2021

As the environmental, health and economic benefits of green roofs and walls are recognised across the globe, cities are integrating green infrastructure to both solve sustainability issues and create a greener future.

‘Green roofs and walls’ is the third climate action topic in the series of City of London Green City Briefings presented by the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH), in collaboration with the Worshipful Company of Gardeners.

The webinar features the following speakers, with a Q&A session towards the end:

  • MC: Daniela Rizzi PhD, ICLEI
  • Dusty Gedge, President Federation of European Green Roofs and Walls
  • Kelvin Kan, Principal Architect & Facade Consultant

Dusty says: “In the past, and still today, vegetation and soil has been seen as an aesthetic contribution to the city environment. However, to meet the challenges of the climate and biodiversity crisis greening cities should be first and foremost about performance across a whole range of environmental factors - biodiversity, cooling, storing rainwater in intense summer storms, and reduction of noise and air pollution. Finally, once these functions have been realised, cities need to ensure that such green spaces enhance the mental and physical health of the citizens who have access to them.

Dusty will explain that, while aesthetics will play a significant part in this, green interventions need to take into account the resilience of such green spaces as the climate changes.

All this can be achieved at roof level whether a simple meadow or a rooftop park. Green roofs should be seen as core infrastructure and not just as a good thing to have from an aesthetic point of view.

15th June, 2021
1:00pm - 2:00pm (BST)

This free-of-charge, one-hour briefing explores how green roofs and walls provide an extra-dimensional approach to city greening.

To read more/register for free, please visit:

Source: AIPH Press Release

Update: 17/06/2021 this webinar is now available to view (in full) on demand:

'Green Roofs and Walls - an extra-dimensional approach to city greening'. Video by AIPH