AIPH Green City Briefings 2024: 'Seeding a sense of place in urban parks'

June 13th 2024

The collaboration between AIPH and WCOG and a network of partners, experts, and sponsors led to the production of the well-known, (free-to-view) 'Green City Briefings'. Continuing on from the last three years of Briefings, this new series will continue in June, with the second webinar being held on:

'Seeding a sense of place in urban parks'

13th June 2024
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm (BST)

Online only.

'Join this webinar briefing to discover how plants and planting can create a sense of place in urban parks. The use and engagement of urban parks is intrinsically linked to how people feel when they are there.'


13:00 – Welcome by MC Jayne Miller, Board Chair of World Urban Parks

13:10 – ‘Plants and Placemaking – the potential for plant species to drive the identity and character of urban spaces’ – Andrew Grant, Founder and Director of Grant Associates

13:30 – Presentation by Ton Muller, Head Landscape Designer at the Municipality of Amsterdam

13:50 – Q&A

14:00 – Briefing closes

For full/current information/to register – please visit: