'Leafy Legacies' at Kew Gardens

July 11th 2024

This new display (on show until this July), explores the ‘fascinating staff histories captured across Kew’s Library, Archive and Illustration collections’.

'Leafy Legacies' tells the stories of those who have, over the last 200 years, helped Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, to become what it is today, including; gardeners, botanists, Herbarium mounters, plant collectors, botanical illustrators, librarians, and archivists.

Trace the legacies of one of the first female scientists, a gardener-turned-artist, the first librarian, and pioneering student gardeners, and more.

Tuesdays to Thursdays

30th April to 11th July 2024

Library Reading Room,

Herbarium Building,

Kew Gardens,


Free admission, no booking required - visitors do not need to enter the Gardens or buy a ticket to view this display. The Herbarium building is located outside of the main garden site and gates.

Visit the reception of the Herbarium building on the north side of Kew Green and visitors will be directed up to the Reading Room on the first floor.